2023 Volunteer of the Year

Please help us congratulate Beth as Volunteer of the Year 2023. Beth’s journey as a dedicated volunteer with the USO began in October 2017, and since then, her commitment has been nothing short of remarkable. With an impressive 2,031 volunteer hours to her name, Beth’s contribution has been truly outstanding. In 2023, she went above and beyond, dedicated 365 hours to our cause. She has volunteered for 60 Center Representative shifts, ensuring that service members and their families always receive the support and care they deserve. Beth’s pursuit of excellence is evident in her tireless efforts to make every USO event extraordinary. She has lent her skills to 21 of our events including three major events: Special Delivery, our Memorial Ceremony and 24-Hour Remembrance Walk, and our Blanco Brown BBQ.

Beth’s collaborative spirit and innovative mindset have made her an invaluable member of our team. Her role as the lead for our Teddy Bear Club, and her creation of intricate decorations for events, exemplify her creativity and unwavering commitment to enhancing the USO’s impact. She consistently attends meetings with enthusiasm, ready to offer her insights and ideas to improve our operations and programs. Her willingness to work with the team and her ability to bring fresh perspectives to the table make her a valuable asset. Beth is not just a volunteer; she is a driving force behind our mission.

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