Volunteer of the Month - October 2021

Please join us in 🎉 congratulating 🎉 our October Volunteer of the Month: CS3 Bikiliwe Niman!

Niman started volunteering with USO Rota in August and has already accumulated over 115 hours. Niman has supported a wide variety of programming from Halloween Trivia Night to ☕ Coffees on the Pier. We can always rely on Niman to volunteer for the shifts that will help us keep the center open longer! He has stayed late, volunteered on the weekends, and come in early ☀️ to ensure the community has access to the USO when they are in the air ✈️ terminal. Niman demonstrated his dedication to volunteering by spending a large portion of his leave period helping the USO!

Huge thank ❤️ you, Niman, for all you’ve done and do. We truly couldn’t do it without you! #USORota #BeTheForce #MoreThanThanks

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